International Flower Delivery Blog

A Floral Treasure Of The World

Some flowers have such an alluring charm and sense of comfort that one can enjoy them for a long time. Chrysanthemums are one such floral treasure of the world. Sacred in the East, it is also one of Europe’s most popular flowers. The flower retains freshness and attractiveness for a long time; it works well in combination with many other plants.

Archaeologists have found the first image of chrysanthemums on Chinese porcelain made 2500 years ago. There are chrysanthemums images on fabrics, vases, and dishes. In China, an exquisite dessert comes from its flowers; it is served both in restaurants and at home. This dish tastes like a tender cake and is popular among locals and tourists. One of our earlier articles talked about desserts made from flowers. Today we will tell you about the chrysanthemums’ features that made this flower a treasure of the floral world.

Floral treasure: white chrisantemums

 Engaging Facts About the Treasure of the Floral World

“Flowers… are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities in the world.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A fascination with the miniature sun led the people of the Land of the Rising Sun to make the favorite of Japanese emperors and empresses their symbol. Stylized images of this flower appear on the coat of arms of the Imperial House of Japan, and the foreign passports of Japanese citizens have it as the emblem. And the Order of the Chrysanthemum today is the highest award in Japan. Worship of the chrysanthemum in the East is so great that folk festivals take place in its honor. In Japan, the holiday is called Chrysanthemum Day.

Chrysanthemum came to Europe from the East in the 17th century. Its journey began in England; in the 18th century, it ended up in France. And in the 19th century, new varieties appeared in Toulouse.

Today, Chrysanthemum cultivation is active in England, Holland, France, Finland, Germany, China, and Japan.

Since most varieties of chrysanthemums bloom in late autumn, florists work hard to cultivate plants that bloom ahead of time. By adjusting the length of daylight hours, they have to change the flowering time of plants. The constant efforts of florists to change the shape and color of plants made it possible to develop various cultivars. A variety of cultivars have made the chrysanthemum a treasure of the floral world.

A variety of cultivars: yellow treasure

The Floral Treasure of  the World and Its Benefits

The flower has many splendid advantages, which makes it popular with florists all over the world. Firstly, the chrysanthemum is surprisingly unpretentious. It can live and show off for a long time without moisture, without losing its elegant appearance.

Secondly, the chrysanthemum odor is incredible, adding a luxurious fragrance to complex bouquets. Floral arrangements and bouquets with chrysanthemums – provide a never-ending playground for your imagination. Most importantly, white exemplars pair well with lilies, delicate roses, and orchids; they can become a magnificent wedding bouquet and serve as a decoration for a wedding celebration. Bright chrysanthemums go well with daisies, roses, tulips, and even lilacs. With gerberas and carnations, they make delightful brilliant, and exclusive compositions.

Chrisantemum looks like Silver-haired Lady

Chrysanthemums make lovely gifts in boxes, and hampers, accompanied by sweets, fruits, and toys. And above all, they are not afraid of dryness; they can live for a long time without water, so they don’t need a flower porter – and this expands the range of use of flowers. In addition to decorating tables, stair railings, arches, and fluffy leaves can be used in event decor separately from the flower itself.

The composition of white, pink, blue, red, or yellow chrysanthemums looks luxurious. In combination with other plants, the bouquet will become solemn and perfect for a present for any occasion.

Usually, chrysanthemums play a leading role in the composition, so it is better to complement the bouquet with one type of flora and greenery. Many cultivars allow the creation of a chic bouquet that uses only the most stunning chrysanthemums. The rich color scheme and the various forms of buds create a harmonious floral composition.

Ruby Floral Treasures

Occasion and Preference

You can give compositions of chrysanthemums for any holiday to men and women: mother, wife, friend, sister, colleague, and teacher. Though the choice of floral arrangement depends on what kind of relationship you are in with the recipient, and the option depends on the reason for congratulations. When choosing a color scheme, consider the symbolism associated with plants in Europe and Asia.

Here are some tips:
1. White chrysanthemums symbolize loyalty, devotion, and purity. You can give such flowers to your beloved wife or mother.
2. Purple and lilac flowers symbolize creativity and originality. Specialists suggest giving them to close friends, sisters, and mother-in-law.
3. Yellow chrysanthemums symbolize a wish for well-being and good luck in business. Also, you can use a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums when offering marriage. However, be careful: several people associate this color with a breakup.

Precious purple pearls on stems

By combining flowers of several colors, you can express warm feelings and attention to the recipient.  And to the end, the number of flowers in the bouquet will depend only on your desire.


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