Coco Chanel once said: “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” Indeed, fashion affects almost every aspect of our lives and transforms everything around us.
That definitely includes flowers: year after year, florists and horticulturists seem to come up with a brand-new vision of the bouquet that says “now,” along with all sorts of exciting solutions to create unique and truly contemporary floral arrangements. Let’s take a tour of the hottest styles, modern flower arrangement practices, and the best colors to use in a bouquet!
A bouquet for the modern times: eclectic, but not theatrical
Flowers are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
In 2021 and 2022, it’s all about simplicity and being natural: the less noticeable the florist’s work, the more memorable and fashionable the bouquet. Experts suggest aiming for the impression of slightly unkempt flowers growing on a lawn, out in the wild. Conversely, flowers arranged in neat, even rows are definitely out: professional floral workshops favor an unsophisticated look of chaos, negligence, and asymmetry.
Monobotanical bouquets, which are bouquets made of single flower species, are king, especially when packed in a stylish box or outlandish wrapping paper. At the same time, rich and magnificent bunches of various flower species combined in one striking arrangement, sometimes in an ingenious and surprising manner, are still offered by top florists.
As we can see, ultimately, arrangement styles are diverse, allowing for combining conflicting trends: a minimalistic approach is just as welcome as complex flower arrangements with extravagant design.
In terms of species, peonies, poppies, and English roses are in vogue; compositions with succulents, wildflowers, and daffodils are also welcome. Protea plants and tree-shaped kinds of flowers are considered a nice touch.
A curious recent development: bouquets have ceased to be exclusively floral, with eclectic compositions featuring fruit, berries, or even sweets and other types of desserts being perfectly acceptable. Moreover, a bouquet with a compliment, such as candy or even jewelry, complete with a creative approach to packaging, is no longer seen as just an addition to the gift, but as a gift in its own right!
Color-related modern flower arrangement ideas
As ever, special attention is paid to the harmony of colors: avoid clashing shades of flowers, and coordinate the colors you use with those of the packaging, the ribbons or any other decorations used in the arrangement. But specifically, which shades are in?
Surprisingly, some of the trendiest and most iconic bouquets are still made completely in shades of gorgeous red, such as carmine, scarlet, or vermilion. Indeed, what spells “love and affection” better?
Various cultivars of roses, orchids, and hydrangeas will work best in a graceful pink bouquet capable of evoking a feeling of thrill, wonder and tenderness.
For occasions where a feeling of purity, innocence or perfection is required, white is still the go-to color for flower arrangements.
Graceful and sophisticated, pastel and cream shades are expected to be in a particular demand.
Darker shades
Wine colors, such as burgundy or marsala, deep cherry, and other somber shades will look spectacular, distinctive, and eloquent.
Multi-colored bouquets
With a recent turn towards the natural, it can be argued that multi-colored flower arrangements, either broken into clearly defined sections of color or presented as a random mix of shades, are the best conductors of wild, raw energy, bustling with creativity.
Here’s another observation by Coco Chanel: “Every day is a fashion show and the world is the runway.” Now that you’re caught up on recent floral trends, make sure you put your expertise to practice and send a bouquet to your friends or family overseas!
- With hundreds of bouquets in our catalogs, finding something that fits your occasion is easy.
- For something more tailored, create a gorgeous flower arrangement.
- Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more stories about flowers and everything flower-related!
Born in Nalchik in 1966, graduated with a major in English Lit, and working as a school teacher since 1990. My interests are diverse: music, good literature, and computer technology at the user level. I like to try new things, and I bring what I started to its logical conclusion. Oh! And I do love my pets! I’m already 54 and I still believe in miracles and hobbits with elves and Gandalf. I myself am a bit of an adventuress like a hobbit, and I love mushrooms, too, like they do.