Extending the lifespan of fresh-cut flowers: Part one
One of the Brothers Grimm stories that predated “Beauty and the Beast” begins with a young daughter asking her father to bring her a rose in the winter — and we all know how well that turned out. Let’s not repeat her mistake and ask for the impossible: nobody can guarantee that fresh-cut flowers, even when gifted with sincere best wishes, will stay that way forever, let alone in less-than-ideal conditions. When a florist — even a master florist — composes a bouquet, that’s just the start of its journey, as any floral arrangement also requires correct care and handling! Fortunately, GoodChoiceFlowers.com has been in the business long enough to know exactly how to make cut flowers last longer. This article will get you started!
Extending the lifespan of fresh-cut flowers: Part oneRead More »

Born in Nalchik in 1966, graduated with a major in English Lit, and working as a school teacher since 1990. My interests are diverse: music, good literature, and computer technology at the user level. I like to try new things, and I bring what I started to its logical conclusion. Oh! And I do love my pets! I’m already 54 and I still believe in miracles and hobbits with elves and Gandalf. I myself am a bit of an adventuress like a hobbit, and I love mushrooms, too, like they do.